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Extend your workflow with DevOps integrations
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Extend your workflow with DevOps integrations
6th February, 2024
5 min read product overview image
6th February, 2024
5 min read

Discover how DevOps tool integrations can help you customise and extend your DevOps experience.

One platform to rule them all

One of the benefits of DevOps platforms is the unity they provide. By enabling you to develop, secure, and operate software in a single application, DevOps platforms like remove the complexity out of the software development process. It means everyone involved can seamlessly work together to release software faster. By integrating tools with our platform, we can enhance this concept.
Tool integrations help you orchestrate your experience. Integrations connect you to apps and services that extend your workflow and provide continuous and automation monitoring throughout the whole lifecycle. It streamlines your development workflow—from the testing phases and integration to deployment and delivery. No more manual updates.
Importantly, your teams can automate their work and focus on what really matters: building great products. provides integration with popular third-party tools and services—across the entire DevOps workflow. To start with, we are focusing on an exclusive set of stacks, which includes the full suite of GitLab and Atlassian tools. As we grow and develop, we’ll continue to add to our library of integrations. But for now, we can dive into our GitLab and Atlassian integrations.

DevOps tool integrations

DevOps tool integrations can help you with automating infrastructure and workflows. It helps simplify and accelerate testing, configuration, deployment, and other software-related tasks required to implement DevOps processes. Plus, some DevOps tools can help you to identify and resolve errors and defects at high velocity and scale.
No matter what team or industry you’re in, it’s likely you use at least a few different software applications every single day. Even the simplest tasks are backed by software now. While it’s great to have so many powerful tools available, it can pave the way for data silos between these various applications. That’s why integrations are essential; they provide easy access to the right tools for the job so that you can create your best symphony.

3 key benefits of integrations

Integrating software applications can be beneficial to organisations of all shapes and sizes, but it’s especially useful for enterprises with larger tech stacks. Let’s look at the top benefits for your organisation.
1. Improved efficiency
A siloed tech stack means multiple data sources. This is a tedious and inefficient process for your teams and a poor use of time and resources. With one holistic view of various software applications working together, you will increase efficiency and save time.
2. Streamlined processes
When you integrate technologies, you can automate workflows between applications. This enables your data to flow constantly with virtually zero manual input from your teams. It streamlines processes and frees your team to concentrate on meaningful work.
Centralised data
When your tools are in sync and communicating with one another, data is consistent across your tech stack. It creates a single source of truth, one centralised place to pull reports from just one application. DevOps tool integrations integrations are tools and services you can use to extend our platform’s functionality. Integrations can complement and extend your workflow and provide a more seamless experience. Here’s our first wave of tool integrations.
  • Gitlab: GitLab CI/CD automates all the steps required to build, test and deploy your code to your production environment. In a single set of features it provides build automation, test automation, pipeline config management, artifact storage, and pipeline security.
  • Atlassian: Atlassian’s team collaboration software enables your teams to focus on what really matters—building great products.
  • Jira software: Seamlessly integrate with Jira for a streamlined development workflow.
  • Bamboo: Automatically build and deploy code using Bamboo’s sophisticated CI/CD server.
  • Bitbucket: Store and manage code, as well as track and control the changes to your code.
  • Confluence: Align your team on shared goals and create a single source of truth for software documentation.

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