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The benefits of a cloud-first DevOps environment
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The benefits of a cloud-first DevOps environment
13th February, 2024
6 min read product overview image
13th February, 2024
6 min read

Considering how cloud computing and DevOps engineering can benefit your organization? helps you leverage the benefits of a cloud-first DevOps environment.

In the world of modern business, change is constant. Stay still too long and you risk being left behind.
Using cloud computing and DevOps engineering, or a cloud-first DevOps environment, can help you keep pace with the demands of modern software development and operations. Together, they can offer a wide range of benefits for modern organizations.
Although a cloud-first DevOps environment has become more widespread, some organizations are yet to make the switch to a new way of working. It’s understandable - migrating to the cloud is a big step. If you’re weighing up your options, we’ve got you covered.
In this blog, we will investigate the benefits of a cloud-first DevOps environment and help you decide if it is the right fit for your organization.

On-premise vs. cloud – what’s the difference?

The key difference between on-premise and cloud computing is location. On-premise software is installed and runs on an organization’s in-house physical hardware infrastructure, which is hosted and managed locally by an IT team.
On the other hand, cloud software is hosted and managed on a provider's servers. Access to cloud software is through a web browser or other interface.

Key benefits of on-premise approach

The main advantages of on-premises systems are two-fold:
  • The first point concerns data security and control. When an organization manages its own server, it has full control over resources and data security. It means your IT team can address all potential vulnerabilities.
  • The second advantage is customization. When running an in-house infrastructure, you have control and are free to make any customizations required to store data in a more secure and cost-effective way.

Key benefits of cloud-first approach

Crucially, cloud-based DevOps services provide a combination of flexibility, efficiency, and scalability that's difficult to achieve with traditional on-premises setups.
To remain competitive, organizations must accelerate software delivery while ensuring quality and security, so these benefits make the cloud an attractive proposition for DevOps workflows.
Let’s dig deeper into the key advantages:
A cloud-first DevOps environment offers a flexible approach whereby terms can choose languages, operating systems, databases, and other tools. This allows teams to pick the best tools for their specific needs.
Cloud computing reduces the number of manual tasks associated with managing physical infrastructure, including hardware maintenance and upgrades. This can free up your teams to focus on more strategic and innovation-based tasks, such as developing new software or improving existing applications.
Cloud platforms provide the flexibility to automatically scale resources up or down based on demand. This means DevOps teams are not constrained by fixed infrastructure, and can allocate resources as required for build and deploy operations.
Cloud computing offers a pay-as-you-go model, which means organizations only pay for the compute, storage, and any other resources they actually use. This means small businesses and start-ups can get going without the need for substantial upfront investments in infrastructure.
Cloud providers tend to offer high availability with their services, which means DevOps workflows remain uninterrupted. This includes redundancy, failover capabilities, and data backup.
Cloud providers offer built-in security features including encryption, identity and access management, and compliance certifications. This means teams can leverage advanced security without having to oversee it themselves.

How can a cloud-first strategy benefit small and large teams?

A cloud-first strategy can benefit both small and large teams. For small teams, developing in the cloud enables users to get their applications to market faster, so they can focus on building software quickly and consistently.
Plus, cloud computing uses remote resources, which saves small teams and organizations the cost of servers and other equipment required to run an on-premise environment.
Larger teams can use partner platforms such as Amazon’s AWS and Microsoft Azure to manage and maintain hardware and infrastructure and limit hardware costs, with SLA-backed uptime guarantees and security policy commitments for their cloud environments. The benefits of doing this include:
  • Flexibility – set the operating system, programming language, web application platform, database, and any other services you need.
  • Cost-effective - pay only for what you use, including the compute power, storage, and any other resources you use. Plus, there are no long-term contracts or up-front commitments.
  • Reliable - take advantage of a scalable, reliable, and secure global computing infrastructure.
  • Scalable and high-performance - your application can scale up or down based on demand. Backed by Amazon or Microsoft infrastructure, you have access to compute and storage resources when you need them.

How can help?

Using’s DevOps platform, you can harness these cloud-first benefits. ensures software development and technology operations teams can easily collaborate to build and release software applications consistently and efficiently.

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